Smiljana Grujic is the program manager, psychologist, and psychotherapist of the Novak Djokovic Foundation. Her focus of interest is compassionate communication and emotion management. She is a member of the Serbian Association of Psychologists within the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, certified to work with children in schools and state institutions as an advisor.
Before joining the Novak Djokovic Foundation team, Smiljana participated in the implementation of numerous UNICEF Serbia projects related to peer violence prevention. She is the co-author of the manual “Digital violence – prevention and response” and the booklet “Towards a safe and stimulating school environment”.
She also participated in projects of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development supported by the World Bank, which were related to the improvement of the education system of Serbia. She enriched her long-term professional experience with professional training in Slovenia, Greece, Switzerland, and Denmark.
Smiljana is the co-author and coordinator of the Novak Djokovic Foundation’s program “Support, not perfection”, which provides support to parents and caregivers of children aged 0-6. So far, more than 2,000 parents throughout Serbia have participated in the program, as well as 40 facilitators, whom Smiljana trains to work with parents. The results of the program “Support, not perfection” were also recognized by the prestigious “European Journal of Developmental Psychology”. Smiljana regularly answers parents’ questions and shares her experience and recommendations in the form of texts on the Foundation’s blog, which you can read here.

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