Jelena Djokovic is the co-founder and global CEO of the Novak Djokovic Foundation, an organization whose mission is to change the world and challenge the status quo by investing in children, educators, parents, and youth through education.
Jelena’s desire as the leader of the Foundation Team is to enable children from socially disadvantaged backgrounds to grow, play and develop in a stimulating, creative and safe environment, while learning to respect others and take care of their community.
The degree and knowledge she acquired at prestigious universities, such as Bocconi and the International University of Monaco (IUM), allowed her to develop much-needed skills to co-found the Novak Djokovic Foundation, where her passion for early childhood development and education led to the creation of numerous support programs for all those who play a key role in a child’s life. Together with the Foundation team, they achieved great results when it comes to the number of built and equipped preschools, professional workshops with parents and educators, educational programs for children, and humanitarian aid to the most vulnerable.
Her great passion and desire to be a better parent every day and better support in the development and growth of her two children led her to become a conscious parenting coach certified by Dr. Shefali Tsabary, who has a Ph.D. in clinical psychology, specializing in the field of family dynamics and personal development. Dr. Shefali is an award-winning author of four books in which Western psychology and Eastern philosophy ideally intertwine, all with the aim of improving the quality of life of families around the world.
Jelena is a supporter of the concept of lifelong learning and the belief that the strength of a society lies in empowering children, youth, and adults to be more proactive, agile, grateful and compassionate. This belief always motivates her to continue her improvement and the path of self-knowledge, because every situation in life carries an infinite number of opportunities to learn, develop and discover our purpose of existence. Her greatest teachers are her children, Stefan and Tara.

Razgovori o roditeljstvu
Da li sam dobar roditelj? Da li pomažem ili odmažem svom detetu u razvoju? Šta mogu da uradim da bolje razumem svoje dete i unapredim sebe kao roditelja?
Na masterklasu Razgovori o roditeljstvu, vodimo te na put otkrivanja sebe, kroz životne primere koji će te podstaći na razmišljanje, navesti da promeniš neke svoje obrasce ponašanja ili dati ideje kako da komuniciraš u porodici od sada, na ubuduće.